2018-2019 Program
Place: Nunan’s Greenhouse, 269 Central St., Georgetown
Program: Fall Succulent Arrangement
Speaker: Linda ZukasOCTOBER 23, 6:30 PM
Place: 281 Rowley Bridge Road, Topsfield
Program: Fall Floral Design Demonstration and Workshop
Speaker: Jane CullinanNOVEMBER 7, 6:30 PM
Place: Family Life Center, First Congregational Church, 4 Georgetown Rd, Boxford
Program: Tri-Town Garden Club Meeting
Speaker: Tom Capano of Fresh Look Designs, TopsfieldDECEMBER 11, 12:00
Place: Bradford Tavern, 87 Haverhill Street, Rowley
Program: Holiday Social and Yankee SwapJANUARY - No Meeting
FEBRUARY 26, 12:00 PM
Place: Topsfield Library
Program: Horticultural Collaboration TBDMARCH 26, 6:30 PM
Place: Topsfield Library
Program: Spring Door Decoration Contest
Speakers: Lorraine Erickson and Pat DurginAPRIL 16, 6:30 PM
Place: Topsfield Library
Program: Floral Arrangement Workshop’
Speaker: Tina Lefebvre from Platinum Posies FloristMAY 22, 11AM
Place: Isabella Stewart Gardener Museum, Boston
Program: Tour of the Gardens of the Gardner
Speaker: Landscape Architecture Staff MemberJUNE 4, 6:30
Place: Ipswich Country Club
Program: Annual Banquet – CelebrationJUNE 8, 2017 - Strawberry Festival, Topsfield Common