Local Gardening Resources
Local growers and vendors offer a full range of gardening supplies and materials and can provide helpful information for the gardener, no matter how experienced.
Chapman's Greenhouses, 56 Hart Street, Beverly Farms and 33 Vine Street, Manchester-by-the-Sea - Greenhouses, nursery, florist, and garden center.
Corliss Brothers, 31 Essex Road, Ipswich - Full service garden center.
Dawsons Hardware - Village Shopping Center, Topsfield. Gardening supplies and hardware.
Essex County Cooperative, Route 1, Topsfield - Gardening supplies, birdseed, annuals and perennials.
Greywood Farm, 73 Prospect Street, Topsfield - Unusual daylilies and Japanese Irises. Visitors welcome during blooming season.
Hill Hollow Daylily Farm, 80 Hill Street, Topsfield - Susan Stowe grows over 400 registered daylilies and hybridizes new cultivars with 1000's of seedlings under evaluation. Questions and/or information: e-mail scstowe@comcast.net.
Holiday Tree Farm, 132 Salem Road, Topsfield - Annuals and perennials. Christmas Trees. Phone: (978) 887-2670. Email: tdwinell@verizon.net.
Newbury Perennial Gardens and Nursery, 65 Orchard Street, Byfield. Display gardens, garden tours and nursery. Perennials and shrubs.
Northeast Nursery, 234 Newbury Street (Route 1), Peabody - Full service garden center.
Nunan's Florist and Greenhouse, 269 Central Street, Georgetown - Florist and full service garden center
The Village Gardener, 154 Topsfield Road, Ipswich - Daylilies. Visitors welcome during blooming season.
Walt Nicke Co. - The Walt Nicke Company is one of the oldest garden supply catalog companies in America, offering a wide range of gardening tools and supplies from around the world. Mail order only. On-line at www.gardentalk.com. Phone 1-978-887-3388. Write Walt Nicke Co. P O Box 433 Topsfield MA. 01983.
W.T. LeRoyer Landscape and Design- P.O. Box 307, Topsfield, MA 01983. Phone: 978-352-5521.
Special Thanks to the Essex County Coop!
The Essex County Coop donated the land and some of the materials for the "Welcome to Topsfield" sign and the fence behind it, projects of the Topsfield Main Street Foundation.
The Garden Clubs of Topsfield express their thanks and gratitude to the Coop.